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Kirobo FCT-SDK Documentation

Welcome to the Kirobo FCT-SDK documentation! This SDK is designed to simplify interactions with Kirobo services and blockchain resources.

Table of Contents


The Kirobo FCT-SDK is a powerful tool for developers to interact with Kirobo.io services and blockchain resources. The SDK provides an easy-to-use interface for managing FCTs, wallets, tokens, NFTs, and more.


To install the SDK, run the following command in your project directory:

npm i @kiroboio/ki-fct-sdk
yarn add @kiroboio/ki-fct-sdk

Getting Started

First, import the SDK and create a new ethers.Wallet instance with the private key and provider:

const ethers = require('ethers');
const { service } = require('@kiroboio/ki-fct-sdk');

const PRIVATE_KEY = '<your-private-key>';

const signer = new ethers.Wallet(
  ethers.getDefaultProvider({ chainId: 5, name: 'goerli' })

Then, configure the SDK by providing the key, secret, and signer:

  key: 'kirobo',
  secret: 'kirobodev',

service.config({ signer, autoLogin: true });

API Reference


  • service.start(config): Start the service with the given configuration.

  • service.config(options): Configure the service with the given options.

  • service.session: Contains session information, such as wallet and vault.

  • service.network: Contains network information, such as height, gas price, and KIRO price.


  • service.tokens.wallet: Provides access to wallet token data.

  • service.tokens.vault: Provides access to vault token data.


  • service.nfts.wallet: Provides access to wallet NFT data.

  • service.nfts.vault: Provides access to vault NFT data.


  • service.fct.fuel: Contains fuel information, both raw and formatted.

  • service.fct.active: Contains the active list of FCT resources.


Below are some examples to help you get started with the SDK:

  1. Log network information:

effect(() => console.log('tip', service.network.value));
  1. Log wallet and vault addresses:

effect(() => console.log('wallet', service.session.wallet.value));
effect(() => console.log('vault', service.session.vault.value));
  1. Log wallet and vault token balances:

effect(() =>
    JSON.stringify(service.tokens.wallet.raw.list.value, null, 2),
    JSON.stringify(service.tokens.wallet.formatted.list.value, null, 2)
effect(() =>
    JSON.stringify(service.tokens.vault.raw.list.value, null, 2),
    JSON.stringify(service.tokens.vault.formatted.list.value, null, 2)
  1. Log wallet and vault NFTs:

effect(() => console.log('nfts@wallet', service.nfts
  1. Log fuel information:

effect(() => console.log('fuel raw', JSON.stringify(service.fct.fuel.raw.value, null, 2)));
effect(() => console.log('fuel formatted', JSON.stringify(service.fct.fuel.formatted.value, null, 2)));
  1. Log the active list of FCT resources:

effect(() => console.log('active list', service.fct.active.raw.list.value));
  1. Log values using signals and computed properties:

const x = signal({ value: 0, nested: { value: 0 } });
effect(() => console.log('asd x', x.value));

const value = computed(() => x.value.value);
const nested = computed(() => x.value.nested.value);

effect(() => console.log('asd value', value.value));
effect(() => console.log('asd nested', nested.value));
  1. Log session status:

effect(() => console.log('asd session status', service.session.status));

These examples demonstrate various ways to interact with the KiroboIO KI-FCT-SDK. You can use them as a starting point for building your own applications and services with the SDK.

API Reference


  • service.start(config): Start the service with the given configuration. The configuration object should include the key and secret for the KiroboIO API.

    • config: Object with the following properties:

      • key: String, the KiroboIO API key.

      • secret: String, the KiroboIO API secret.

  • service.config(options): Configure the service with the given options. The options object should include the signer and optionally an autoLogin boolean.

    • options: Object with the following properties:

      • signer: ethers.Wallet instance, the signer for the wallet.

      • autoLogin: Boolean (optional), set to true to automatically log in upon configuration. Default is false.

  • service.session: Contains session information, such as wallet and vault.

    • wallet: Wallet address associated with the signer.

    • vault: Vault address associated with the signer.

    • status: Session status, representing the connection state.

  • service.network: Contains network information, such as height, gas price, and KIRO price.

    • height: Number, the current block height of the network.

    • gasPrice: Number, the current gas price in the network.

    • kiroPrice: Number, the current price of KIRO token in the network.


  • service.tokens.wallet: Provides access to wallet token data.

    • raw.list: Array, a list of raw token data in the wallet.

    • formatted.list: Array, a list of formatted token data in the wallet.

  • service.tokens.vault: Provides access to vault token data.

    • raw.list: Array, a list of raw token data in the vault.

    • formatted.list: Array, a list of formatted token data in the vault.


  • service.nfts.wallet: Provides access to wallet NFT data.

    • raw.list: Array, a list of raw NFT data in the wallet.

  • service.nfts.vault: Provides access to vault NFT data.

    • raw.list: Array, a list of raw NFT data in the vault.


  • service.fct.fuel: Contains fuel information, both raw and formatted.

    • raw: Object, raw fuel data.

    • formatted: Object, formatted fuel data.

  • service.fct.active: Contains the active list of FCT resources.

    • raw.list: Array, a list of raw active FCT resources.

Utility Functions

  • computed(fn): Creates a computed property based on the provided function. The function should return a value based on the SDK's reactive properties.

    • fn: Function, a function that returns a value based on the SDK's reactive properties.

  • effect(fn): Executes the provided function when the reactive properties used within it change.

    • fn: Function, a function that uses the SDK's reactive properties.

  • signal(initialValue): Creates a reactive signal with the provided initial value. The signal can be used in computed properties and effects.

    • initialValue: Any, the initial value of the signal.


To help you better understand how to use the SDK, here are some additional examples:

  1. Update a signal value:

const mySignal = signal(0);
effect(() => console.log('Signal value', mySignal.value));

// Update the signal value
mySignal.value = 42;
  1. Update a signal value with a nested object:

const myNestedSignal = signal({ value: 0, nested: { value: 0 } });
effect(() => console.log('Nested signal value', myNestedSignal.value));

// Update the signal value
myNestedSignal.value = { value: 42, nested: { value: 24 } };
  1. Listen to changes in a specific token balance:

const kiroBalance = computed(
  () => service.tokens.wallet.formatted.list.value.find((t) => t.symbol === 'KIRO').balance

effect(() => console.log('KIRO balance', kiroBalance.value));
  1. Transfer tokens from wallet to vault:

const transferTokens = async (tokenAddress, amount) => {
  try {
    const result = await service.tokens.wallet.transfer({
      recipient: service.session.vault.value,
      token: tokenAddress,
      amount: amount,
    console.log('Transfer successful', result);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Transfer failed', error);

// Replace with the token address and amount you want to transfer
const tokenAddress = '<token-address>';
const amount = '<amount>';

transferTokens(tokenAddress, amount);
  1. Transfer NFTs from wallet to vault:

const transferNFT = async (nftAddress, tokenId) => {
  try {
    const result = await service.nfts.wallet.transfer({
      recipient: service.session.vault.value,
      nft: nftAddress,
      tokenId: tokenId,
    console.log('Transfer successful', result);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Transfer failed', error);

// Replace with the NFT address and token ID you want to transfer
const nftAddress = '<nft-address>';
const tokenId = '<token-id>';

transferNFT(nftAddress, tokenId);

These examples demonstrate various ways to interact with the KiroboIO KI-FCT-SDK. You can use them as a starting point for building your own applications and services with the SDK.

Last updated