
The builder is a higher level library with the ability and tools to build complex FCT and determines how information or data will move throughout the program.

The builder is also responsible for building flow logic and normalizing it to a one direction graph. This means that the builder takes the flow of information and organizes it in a way that is easy to understand, follow and execute without errors.

One key difference between the builder and the core library (which contains low level functionality and data structures) is that the builder controls the flow, whereas the core library does not and has to be done manually.

In order to do its job, the builder works with both plugins. It operates at a higher level than the core library, which means it is more concerned with overall flow and structure than with individual functions or features.

The builder is written using an if-else method. This means that the builder is implemented using conditional statements (if-else statements) to determine which actions to take based on certain conditions or inputs.

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