FCT Visual Builder

For Power Users

The following plugins are currently planned for integration into the Visual Builder platform by the end of the first quarter of 2023:

  • ERC20: A standard for creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. These tokens can represent a wide range of assets, from digital currency to loyalty points.

  • ERC721: A standard for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent anything from collectible items to virtual real estate.

  • ERC1155: A standard for creating both fungible and non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows for greater flexibility and efficiency in managing digital assets.

  • Uniswap V2 and V3: Protocols for decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Ethereum blockchain. These protocols allow users to trade digital assets without the need for a centralized intermediary.

  • Aave V2: A decentralized lending and borrowing platform on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows users to earn interest on their assets or borrow assets against collateral.

  • Chainlink: A decentralized oracle network that allows smart contracts to securely access off-chain data and external APIs.

  • Sushiswap: A decentralized exchange protocol that aims to provide a more community-driven trading experience.

  • Compound V2 and V3: Decentralized lending and borrowing platforms that allow users to earn interest on their assets or borrow assets against collateral.

  • Curve: A decentralized exchange protocol that aims to provide efficient and low-slippage trading of stablecoins.

  • Yearn: A decentralized finance platform that offers various yield farming strategies and other financial services.

Power users of the Visual Builder platform can utilize any of the above plugins and create test cases that match their needs by adding their own logic on top of the plugins' logic. It is important to note that these are future transactions, therefore, it is possible to create a future transaction and create logic without entering a certain value, but create logic with the variable that will be created at a future time by using the logic.

For Developers

  • Speed: The Visual Builder allows for the creation of transactions with incredible speed, allowing developers to quickly test and iterate on their ideas without wasting valuable development time.

  • Test cases: Test cases and limitations of DAPPs can be tested with the Visual Builder, giving developers valuable insight on improving and optimizing their applications.

  • SDK: Developers who are interested in developing a DAPP will probably prefer to use the SDK (Software Development Kit), but also Visual Builder, since the SDK alone might not provide the same level of ease, speed and flexibility in creating transactions, testing test cases and understanding the limitations.

  • Understanding the Limitations: Visual Builder helps the developer in understanding the limitations of their DAPP which can help them to optimize and improve the performance of their application.

Developers who are interested in developing a DAPP (Decentralized Application) will find the Visual Builder tool useful for the following reasons:


Last updated