How It Works

The FCT system offers a range of benefits for developers building decentralized applications (dApps), including:

  • Pre-built models and plugins: The FCT system includes a variety of pre-built models and plugins that developers can use to quickly add advanced functionality to their dApps without having to build everything from scratch.

  • Customizable user experiences: The system's plugins and modules allow developers to create custom user experiences without having to create new smart contracts for each desired functionality.

  • High level of customization: The FCT system offers a high degree of customization, with many plugins and modules providing a range of options and parameters that developers can use to tailor the functions and capabilities to their specific needs. This can help ensure that the FCT system fits seamlessly into the overall design and functionality of the dApp.

  • Efficient and cost-effective: Operating at the transaction level, the FCT system provides a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional smart contracts, which can put a strain on the underlying blockchain network and lead to scalability issues due to high costs and audit time.

  • Reduced development time: By providing a set of pre-built functions and capabilities, the FCT system can help to accelerate the development process and reduce the amount of coding and development work required.

Overall, the FCT system is an essential tool for developers looking to build advanced dApps. Its pre-built models and plugins, customizable user experiences, high level of customization, efficient and cost-effective solution, and reduced development time make it a valuable resource for developers and users alike.

FCT Plugins

Plugins for FCT make it easier to build FCT with the FCT Core Library

FCT plugins are an integration of existing protocols within the FCT technology, allowing developers to easily access and utilize these protocols in their dapps.

For example, a plugin for Uniswap allows developers to use its capabilities without any additional setup, and the same goes for other protocols like Aave, Chainlink, and Compound.

By making it easy for developers to incorporate FCTs and other protocols into their products, FCT plugins can help accelerate the growth of decentralized technologies and web3 products. They also increase the adoption and usage of FCTs, driving the success of the FCT ecosystem.

For example, if a developer wants to create a DAPP that performs arbitrage between Sushiswap and Uniswap and even takes a flash loan from aave, he can immediately start doing it without working on integration with all these contracts, then he can add his own logic, for example, considering the size of the Pool, the slippage and the percentage of interest up to the level that he will perfect the application in order to pay off.

Types of calls

The Future Conditional Transactions (FCT) technology is a blockchain protocol that utilizes four specific types of calls to execute logic on the blockchain. These calls are divided into two types: protocol-dependent calls and rules-based calls.

The protocol-dependent calls include Action and Getter.

Action calls are used to initiate actions or operations on the blockchain. Examples of actions include executing a transaction or updating a smart contract. These calls allow for the initiation of various operations on the blockchain and are a vital component in the execution of decentralized applications and smart contracts.

A getter call, on the other hand, retrieves information from the blockchain. Blockchain-stored data can be retrieved by these calls, such as transaction history, balances, or other information

The second type of call is more rule-based, including Validator and Math calls

Validator calls are blockchain-level functions that check if a value matches a required equation. These calls are used to validate transactions or smart contract operations, ensuring that they conform to the rules of the blockchain protocol. By using validator calls, developers can ensure that the logic executed on the blockchain is in line with the protocol's rules, adding an additional layer of security to the blockchain.

Math calls are also blockchain-level functions that perform mathematical equations. Examples of mathematical operations include calculating the total supply of a token or the total value of a smart contract. These calls allow for the execution of complex mathematical operations on the blockchain, making it possible to create decentralized applications and smart contracts with advanced functionality.

By utilizing these four call types specific to each protocol and their corresponding rules, any type of logic can be easily implemented and executed on the blockchain. These calls allow for the creation of decentralized applications, smart contracts, and other complex logic that can be executed in a trustless and transparent manner. The FCT technology allows for the execution of various logic on the blockchain, making it a powerful tool for developers looking to create decentralized applications and smart contracts.

FCT Module

For Example, FCT pre-built Uniswap limit order capabilities

Future Conditional Transactions (FCT) modules are pre-constructed software components that offer a designated set of smart contract functionalities or capabilities.

These modules are intended for integration into larger applications or platforms and are typically composed of multiple FCT plugins to create a more comprehensive solution. As a valuable tool for developers, FCT modules facilitate the incorporation of advanced functionalities into decentralized applications (dApps). By providing a pre-built set of functions and complex capabilities, FCT modules can greatly enhance the efficiency of the development process and minimize the amount of coding and development required.

These modules are user-friendly and can be utilized to add sophisticated functionality to a dApp. As they are pre-constructed and designed for integration into a larger application or platform, developers can seamlessly include them in their code and immediately begin utilizing them. This can lead to significant savings in time and resources, and allow developers to concentrate on developing the core functionalities of their dApps rather than dedicating resources to creating custom functions from scratch.

An example of an FCT module is the pre-built Uniswap limit order capabilities. This module allows developers to incorporate Uniswap's limit order functionality into their dApps, enabling users to place limit orders on the decentralized exchange. This can be particularly useful for applications that require the ability to trade assets on a decentralized exchange, such as a decentralized trading platform or a lending and borrowing platform.

The Uniswap limit order functionality provided by the FCT module allows users to set a specific price at which they wish to buy or sell an asset, and the order will be executed only when the market price reaches that level. This is in contrast to a market order, which is executed immediately at the best available price. The limit order functionality can be particularly useful for traders looking to execute trades at a specific price point, or for those looking to take advantage of market volatility.

Incorporating the FCT pre-built Uniswap limit order capabilities into a dApp can save significant development time and resources. Instead of building the limit order functionality from scratch, developers can simply include the module in their code and start using it right away. This can free up resources to focus on other core functionalities of the dApp, such as user interface and experience, or other trading strategies.

It's also worth noting that, Uniswap is not the only decentralized exchange that has been integrated into FCT modules, other decentralized exchange protocols can also be integrated, such as Sushiswap, Bancor, and more.

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