
Implements the tokenomics algorithm.

Process the FCT return struct (from the FCT_Engine) and returns payers and payees for the FCT_Actuator to use.

Main Functions


function setFeesAndShares(
        uint16 baseFeesBPS,
        uint16 bonusFeesBPS,
        uint16 forFreeFeesBPS,
        uint16 activatorShare,
        uint16 builderShare,
        uint16 officialBuilderShare
) external onlyRole(DAO_ROLE)

Defines activation fees and payment split between the activator and the FCT builder.


 function calcPayments(
        PaymentIn memory paymentIn,
        bytes32 id,
        bytes memory data
        returns (
            Payment[] memory paymentsOut,
            address builderOut,
            bytes32 nameHashOut

Calculates all fees for an FCT. Aggregates payments by adjacent payers. Returns a list of payers, effective gas for each one of them that represents the cumulative cost (base+fee+bonus), builder and activator shares, and the builder identity.


 function estimateExtraCommonGas(
        uint256 totalCalls,
        uint256 dataLength,
        address kiroFunding
 ) external pure returns (uint256)

Returns the estimated gas for doing the actual payments, so it can be added to in advance to payers fees.

Last updated