NFTs Module

This module is responsible for watching and updating the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) balances of wallets and vaults. It uses signals to maintain a reactive state of NFT data in the form of lists and maps.


This module imports the following dependencies:

  • endpoints from ./endpoints

  • KiroboService from @kiroboio/fct-service

  • NFTUpdateDto, nftDto from ./types/nfts.dto

  • network from ./network


  • ENDPOINT: contains the endpoint of the NFT service.

Type definitions

  • NFTData: a type that extends nftDto with an additional id property.


  • _callId: a number representing the current call id.

  • nfts: an object that contains vault and wallet objects, each with raw and formatted properties, containing lists and maps of NFT data.

Computed Properties

  • networkName: a computed property that returns the current network name.


itemId(item: nftDto | NFTUpdateDto, networkName: string)

This function generates a unique id for the given NFT item in the format of {token_address}#{token_id}@{networkName}.


This function removes all listeners for the NFT service and resets the NFT state.

watchNFTs({wallet, vault})

This function watches for NFT updates in the specified wallet and vault. It updates the NFT state accordingly when there are changes in the balances. It also sets up listeners for the NFT service to respond to events like transfers.


  • nfts: the state object containing the NFT data.

  • unwatchNFTs: a function to stop watching NFT updates.

  • watchNFTs: a function to start watching NFT updates.

Last updated