
Session Module

This module provides session management functionalities for the Ethereum network, such as logging in, logging out, and watching/unwatching services.


  • ZERO_ADDRESS: A constant representing the zero address in the Ethereum network.

  • state: A Signal representing the current service state.

  • wallet: A Signal representing the user's wallet address.

  • vault: A Signal representing the user's vault address.

  • status: A Signal representing the user's session status.

  • signatures: A record object storing network-specific signatures.


login(params?: { signature?: string; useSigner?: boolean })

Logs in the user by signing a message from the Ethereum network using their private key. The function accepts an optional params object with the following properties:

  • signature (optional): A pre-signed message signature.

  • useSigner (optional, default is true): A boolean indicating whether to use the signer for message signing.

This function watches tokens, NFTs, fuel, and active services upon successful login. Returns the login response.


import { session } from './sessionModule';

const signature = '0x...';
const useSigner = true;

await session.login({ signature, useSigner });


Logs out the user and unwatch all services (tokens, NFTs, fuel, and active services).


import { session } from './sessionModule';

await session.logout();


Unwatches all services (tokens, NFTs, fuel, and active services) and resets the wallet and vault addresses to the zero address.


import { session } from './sessionModule';

await session.unwatchServices();

Exported Object

The exported session object provides the following properties and methods:

  • login: The login function.

  • logout: The logout function.

  • status: The session status Signal.

  • wallet: The wallet address Signal.

  • vault: The vault address Signal.

  • autoLogin: The auto-login Signal.

  • state: The service state Signal.

  • getSigner: The function to get the signer instance.

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