Liquid Vault: backup

One use-case of FCTs is a core security feature of the Liquid Vault: backup.


Ownership of the contents of a cryptocurrency wallet is defined by a person’s ability to access that wallet. This is because that wallet is the only way to access that part of the blockchain. If a person loses or forgets the access credentials - a private key, password, seed phrase – the assets in the wallet are irreversibly lost.

Kirobo backup solves the issue of private key loss by enabling you to set up a transfer of ownership of your Liquid Vault wallet to a backup wallet in case of inactivity. The user’s vault thus has two access points – via their external wallet, and to a second external wallet to which access will automatically be transferred if they do not reset the timer.

How it works

Setting a backup involves defining a secondary wallet and setting a timer, which requires a small amount of KIRO. To activate the backup, the user must deposit a certain amount of KIRO. The user may retrieve this stake whenever they like. When the timer reaches zero, a random system activator will be alerted and will activate that user’s backup by sending a transaction to the user’s vault. The smart contract transfers access to the inactive wallet defined by the user.

Note: when a backup is activated, the funds do not leave the Liquid Vault. The only thing that changes is the access point to them.

Last updated