What they are

Below is a table comparing present Ethereum capabilities against the capabilities of using FCT.

Use case


Standard Transaction

You can do a fast swap on Uniswap while waiting for a low-fee USDC transfer

Semi-Parallel ( Group + Nonce )

Serial ( nonce )

Cancellable even after signing

Not cancellable

Can be overridden by higher fee transactions using the same nonce

Can prepare a whole year of payments in advance and set time limits for each one

Time-framed, start and expiration time

Never expires

Reduce gas costs by running multiple transfers on a single transaction

Even an empty wallet can send transactions

Gas fees are taken from the activator of the transaction

Must have coins to send transactions

Gas fees are taken from the signer of the transaction.

Supports sending atomic compound transactions

Only one transaction at a time

Can prepare a swap action that holds two transfers that need to be signed by both sides and will do both sends on the same transaction

Supports compound transactions with multiple sends and signers

Only one signer for each transaction

Sandwich bot protection, arbitrage, limit orders and more

If-then logic between transactions is done in atomic fashion on the blockchain

If-then logic between transactions can be done off-chain only

Can join a transaction pool, reducing gas fees by splitting the base gas fee between accounts

Must pay a base gas fee for every transaction

All transactions are human-readable and secured by the EIP-712 standard

Most smart contract interactions are signed blindly

How it works:

Last updated