
"Runners" are smart contracts responsible for carrying out call requests made by the FCT_Engine during an FCT activation process.

They are capable of executing various types of FCT calls, including static and delegate calls, depending on the information provided in the call_type field of a call.

In addition to this, Runners also authorize fuel payments upon request by the FCT_Actuator, making them functionally similar to an EOA.

To be able to execute FCTs, any contract must implement the IFCT_Runner interface.

Runner has auth-enabled flag, which means it's a Runner that has been audited and approved by Kirobo's security team.

Current Runner is Kirobo Liquidity Vault, which keeps your assets backed-up and secured while using and accessing them.

About the Liquid Vault

Kirobo's on-chain wallet, the Liquid Vault, operates as a non-custodial wallet and offers standard features like transaction history, send and receive functions, etc. It also enables users to fully connect with external DeFi protocols, similar to a MetaMask wallet.

The Liquid Vault comes equipped with essential security features to safeguard user assets, provides access to external dapps, and allows users to enhance existing dapps and create new ones.

To create a Liquid Vault, users need to link their Ethereum-compatible wallet to the app, which generates a unique version of the vault. Once created, the vault can be accessed via the linked wallet. The Liquid Vault comes with additional built-in features such as a backup system and a decentralized inheritance service.

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