
Plug-ins are designed to simplify the work process with the protocols at a higher level, rather than working with low-level calls. They include helper functions for working and managing different types of data such as primitive types, decimals and NFTs ID, and also offer systems for validating the data. For example, they can help with calls to the protocol and can provide shortcuts for common tasks.

You can use a helper function that can be used to bring up all possible pairs on DEXs such as Uniswap, Sushi, etc. This function would simplify the process of finding the paths between any two tokens on the exchange, which can be a complex task due to the large number of available pairs.

Overall, these plugins are designed to simplify the process of working with protocols and make it easier for developers to build applications on top of them. By providing high-level functions and shortcuts, they can save developers time and reduce the potential for errors.

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